Nearby Attractions
While Causeway Bay itself contains many important attractions there are also just as many in the neighboring districts within a few minutes walk away, here is a list of some well known and not so well known places that you can easily include in a walking tour around Causeway Bay.
Kong Racing Museum
- This small but interesting location is within the
buildings of the Happy Valley Race course, and gives
some fascinating details about the background of
horseracing in Hong Kong.
Places of worship
Diwan Sikh Temple - Khalsa Diwan (Hong Kong) Sikh
Temple, 371 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, ... Fax:
852-2574 9837, Email: [email protected]
The different religions observed in Hong Kong are also well represnted by the Saint Margaret's Church nearby, and of course the Toaist Tin Hau Temple .
Historic buildings
Wanchai Police Station - An example of a typical late colonial British structure, this is still an operating police station.
Traditional Pawn Shop - Now re-opened as a trendy up market restaurant this building was one of the longest operating traditional pawn shops in Hong Kong.
Bauhinia Square
- Right outside the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre, and overlooking Victoria Harbour and
the Kowloon peninsular, is this symbol of Hong Kong.